The Finer Consigner is not affiliated with any brands or designers featured on the site. All items are pre-owned. Trademarks are owned by their respective brand owners. No brand owner endorses or sponsors these listings and ads or has any association and/or affiliation with The Finer Consigner.
We do our best to look items over when they are received. If items are later found to be unsaleable the consigner will be notified and asked to pick up those items within one week. Items not retrieved will be donated to charity.
We reserve the right to dry clean or repair any item. This includes the sewing of buttons etc. and the polishing of bags, shoes or jewelry. The cost of dry cleaning or repair will be deducted from consigner’s account.
The Finer Consigner is not responsible for fire, theft, loss, damages or donations in error. Consigner shoe boxes are discarded.